» » Matthew Holland - Traditional Day of School - 14 16 December, Moscow
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  • Views: 3623
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 19 окт 2012
19 окт 2012

Matthew Holland - Traditional Day of School - 14 16 December, Moscow

Category: Information

14-16 December 2012 in Moscow will host the traditional school day under:
- President of the Aikido Federation of Scotland, Matthew Holland, Shihan, 7th Dan Aikido and
- British Aikido Federation instructor Steve Parr shidoin, 6 Dan Aikido.

Course Schedule to be announced.

The cost of the seminar:

· For members of FAR Moscow and Moscow region. 4500 rubles. until 15.11.12, after 5000 rubles.
· For non-resident members of the PAR 3500 rubles. (payable on arrival)
· Children's training (13 years) 500 rub.
· Members of other organizations 5000 rubles.
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I have probably had to work hadrer over the years to get things to work on the flip side of the coin when i started i was always ALWAYS being shouted at for using strength by sensei not so much these days 4 of my pvevious grading sheets have commented to strong so in training its not always an advantage to be strong, that side in real life getting into a scrap it cant be a bad thing to have in your tool box.as for someone not wanting to train with an female instructor I think your better of without a fool like that on the mat
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The Moscow club of the Aikido of "Senkai" invites you to Aikido employment in general or in litle Aikido groups. Aikido class for children and adults. Aikido trainings spend skilled the aikidoinstructors.