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  • Views: 6136
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 9 мая 2007
9 мая 2007

Exercises in Aikido. Special warm-up of wrists. On 'Sankyo'

Category: Kihon » Undo

Exercises in Aikido

Special warm-up of wrists

On "Ikkyo" On "Nikyo" On "Sankyo" On "Kote gaeshi" "from itself"

On "Sankyo"

The technics is shown by Prokhorenya Vadim

A side view Aikido The front view
209;224;237;234;184;. 211;240;238;234;232; 192;233;234;232;228;238;.
1. I.P. leg on width of shoulders.
The right hand is extended by a palm forward and fingers downwards so that the elbow has been directed upwards.
2. The left hand (a palm to a breast) makes capture of a palm of the right hand so that the big finger of the left hand supervised an edge of the right hand, index and average fingers of the left hand clasped the big finger of the right hand from two parties, and the little finger and a ring finger of the left hand supervised an edge of a palm of the right hand on the part of an index finger of the right hand.
I hope you have not got confused... :))
Look at a photo...
3. If you have made all correctly the palm of the right hand is fixed very densely.
The hand seized thus, braiding aside the big finger of the left hand, lift by a forearm aside an elbow of the right hand.
Watch that the brush of the right hand made a direct line with a forearm.
If all of you have made correctly, at the maximal tap of the right hand from below upwards (aside an elbow of the right hand) and rotation of a palm of the right hand, painful influence will be felt in the field of a wrist and, probably, an elbow.
4. The following movement weakening painful influence in joints, return the right hand in a starting position and cycle a loop anew.
Exercise is carried out on 10-ou time on each hand or alternately on 4-?a time.
209;224;237;234;184;. 211;240;238;234;232; 192;233;234;232;228;238;.


(sankyo2.avi 136Kb)

(sankyo1.avi 369Kb)

The information to news
  • Views: 5471
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 9 мая 2007
9 мая 2007

Exercises in Aikido. Special warm-up of wrists. On 'Kote gaeshi'

Category: Kihon » Undo

Exercises in Aikido

Special warm-up of wrists

On "Ikkyo" On "Nikyo" On "Sankyo" On "Kote gaeshi" "from itself"

On "Kote gaeshi"

The technics is shown by Prokhorenya Vadim

A side view Aikido The front view
Kote gaeshi

1. I.P. leg on width of shoulders.
The left hand is extended by fingers forward (at a level of a thorax) so that the big finger of a hand has been directed downwards.

2. The right hand makes capture of a wrist of the left hand so that four fingers of the right hand clasped an edge of a palm of the left hand from above, thus the big finger of the right hand makes capture of the left hand from below.

3. The hand seized thus conduct from top to down from a brest of a cell up to a stomach (up to painful sensations)

Kote gaeshi
Kote gaeshi Kote gaeshi
Kote gaeshi Kote gaeshi


(kote1.avi 246Kb)

(kote2.avi 300Kb)

The information to news
  • Views: 5490
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 9 мая 2007
9 мая 2007

Exercises in Aikido. Special warm-up of wrists. From itself.

Category: Kihon » Undo

Exercises in Aikido

Special warm-up of wrists

On "Ikkyo" On "Nikyo" On "Sankyo" On "Kote gaeshi" "from itself"

"from itself"

The technics is shown by Prokhorenya Vadim

A side view Aikido The front view

1. I.P. leg on width of shoulders.
The left hand is extended by fingers forward (at a level of a thorax) so that the big finger of a hand has been directed downwards.

2. The right hand makes capture of a wrist of the left hand so that four fingers of the right hand clasped an edge of a palm of the left hand from above, thus the big finger of the right hand makes capture of the left hand from below.

3. The hand seized thus conduct to a brest up to painful sensations. Watch that the hand moved in parallel a floor.

4. The following movement straighten a hand. Exercise is carried out on 10-ou time on each hand or alternately on 4-?a time.



(otsebya2.avi 189Kb)

(otsebya1.avi 176Kb)

The information to news
  • Views: 5334
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 9 мая 2007
9 мая 2007

Aikido Examinations

Category: Aikido » Examenation

Aikido Examinations

    Attestation for members of Club "Senkai" is carried out in:

  • spring (as a rule in May),
  • summer (as a rule in August)
  • and in the autumn (in December).

The President of RAF Egorov N.N. with examination committee or examination committee consisting of instructors and heads of clubs take attestation exams.

Besides, it is possible to pass examinations at seminars which carry out Kanetsuka-sensei in the different countries...

    For passing an examination it is necessary:
  • To know the basic terminology and basic technique/exercises;
  • To know certain techniques according to the examination program;
  • To have not less than 80 % percent of attendance of trainings;
  • To hand over the application (the examination questionnaire which is given by the instructor);
  • To pay an examination fee;
  • To pass internal examination (admission) held by the President of the Club Prokhorenya V.V.

Besides, it is necessary to be ready to answer some questions, about Aikido history, history of the Club, etc.

It is necessary to know instructors structure of the Club, the structure of the Club, well know a part of what federation is the Club in which you are training. The note:

- the Application form for examination should be handed in and attestation fee should be paid not later than 3 days before the beginning of examination.

- the Admission to examination is carried out according to examination requirements. Membership in RAF necessarily.

- Each candidate can submit the application for examination only if the minimal interval between examinations subject with norm. Examination before the stated period appointed by the Attestation committee of RAF is not permitted. Period between examinations can be enlarged by the decision of the head of the Club, in a case of poor attendance of training (less than 80 % from the general number of trainings).

- the participation in seminars of the Club and RAF is taken into account at the examination.

- the Examination program can be expanded.

- the Commission makes estimates: kamae, distance, accuracy, confidence, speed of performing techniques, balance / stability, coordination with uke movements and a continuity of movements, endurance, ability to perform the technique highly skilled, without using physical strength.

- Examination can be carried out within the Club, with participation of full structure of the Attestation committee of RAF, and also during a seminar under the direction of shihan Aikikai Hombu dojo.

- the Examination techniques is carried out on each other (or with asked uke) from the left and right position, in the omote and ura form by each examination candidate in four times (two times omote and two times ura).

- All technique should be carried out until the command yame (stop).

- Participation in examination by persons in a dirty or slovenly kimono is not allowed.

The information to news
  • Views: 8053
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 9 мая 2007
9 мая 2007

Examenation in Aikido. 10 kyu.

Category: Aikido » Examenation

Applicants for degrees Kyu should familiarize with the given page.

The examination program on technics Aikido
10 kyu

For children

210;229;245;237;232;234;224; 192;233;234;232;228;238;
MCA "Senkai"
Kind of attack/exercises 10 êþ
Tai sabaki Suvari vaza
- Mae/ushiro sikko
Kamae: - Migi kamae
- Hidari kamae
Ukemi - Ushiro hanten ukemi
Attack: - Gyako hanmi katate dori
- Ai hanmi katate dori
Ai hanmi katate dori - Ikkyo omote T.
Ryote dori - Kokyu ho S.
T - Tachi vaza
S - Suvari vaza
A.H. - Ai hanmi
G.H. - Gyako hanmi

The information to news
  • Views: 5961
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 9 мая 2007
9 мая 2007

Examenation in Aikido. 9 kyu.

Category: Aikido » Examenation

Applicants for degrees Kyu should familiarize with the given page.

The examination program on technics Aikido
9 kyu

For children

MCA "Senkai"
Kind of attack/exercises 9 kyu
Tai sabaki Tachi vaza:
- Tsugi ashi
- Ayumi ashi

Suvari vaza
- Mae/ushiro sikko
Kamae: - Migi kamae
- Hidari kamae
Ukemi - Ushiro hanten ukemi
- Ushiro hanten ukemi
Attack: - Gyako hanmi katate dori
- Ai hanmi katate dori
- Shomen uchi
Undo - Haishin undo
A.H. katate dori - Ikkyo omote T.
- Iriminage T.
Ryote dori - Kokyu ho S.
T - Tachi vaza
S - Suvari vaza
A.H. - Ai hanmi
G.H. - Gyako hanmi

The Moscow club of the Aikido of "Senkai" invites you to Aikido employment in general or in litle Aikido groups. Aikido class for children and adults. Aikido trainings spend skilled the aikidoinstructors.