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  • Views: 5339
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 9 мая 2007
9 мая 2007

Examenation in Aikido. 2 kyu.

Category: Aikido » Examenation

Applicants for degrees Kyu should familiarize with the given page.

The examination program on technics Aikido
2 kyu

For children

MCA "Senkai"
Kind of attack/exercises 2 kyu
Shomen uchi 1. Ikkyo T.S.
2. Nikyo T.S.
3. Sankyo T.S.
4. Yonkyo T.S.
5. Iriminage T.
6. Kote gaeshi T.
7. Kaiten nage T.
Yokomen uchi 1. Ikkyo T.S.
2. Nikyo T.S.
3. Sankyo T.S.
4. Yonkyo T.S.
5. Gokyo T.S.
6. Shihonage T.
Tsuki 1. Iriminage T.
2. Kote gaeshi T.
3. Kaiten nage T.
Katate dori (G.H.) 1. Shiho nage T.H.
2. Iriminage T.
3. Kote gaeshi T.
4. Kaiten nage T.
+ Jyu vaza
Katate dori (A.H.) 1. Shihonage T.
2. Iriminage T.
3. Kote gaeshi T.
4. Kaiten nage T.
+ Jyu vaza
Ryote dori 1. Kokyu ho S.
2. Shihonage T.Õ.
3. Tenchi nage T.
+ Jyu vaza
Morote dori Jyu vaza
Kata dori 1. Ikkyo T.S.
2. Nikyo T.S.
3. Sankyo T.S.
4. Yonkyo T.S.
Ushiro Ryote dori 1. Ikkyo T.S.
2. Nikyo T.S.
3. Sankyo T.S.
4. Yonkyo T.S.
T - Tachi vaza
S - Suvari vaza
A.H. - Ai hanmi
G.H. - Gyako hanmi

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  • Views: 4838
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 9 мая 2007
9 мая 2007

Examenation in Aikido. 1 kyu.

Category: Aikido » Examenation

Applicants for degrees Kyu should familiarize with the given page.

The examination program on technics Aikido
1 kyu

For children

MCA "Senkai"
    The technics on 1-st kyu includes:
  • - Work without the weapon
  • - Work against tanto
  • - All technics from captures for hands, shoulders, elbows, a collar.
  • - Technics from impacts: Shomen uchi, îomote and ura yokomen uchi,
  • - Technics from attacks behind

The information to news
  • Views: 4657
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007


Category: Aikido



For a long time Aikido was covered with the veil of mystery and was known only to the few devoted people. Aikido was born in Japan last century, but the basic of it lies in ancient Japanese martial arts (bujutsu). Aikido was found by Master Ueshiba Morihei, who has combined practical movements of self-defense art of fencing on swords and spears, ju-jutsu, aiki-jutsu and other more ancient martial arts in unique system of physical and spiritual perfection.

From others, born in Japan and become international martial arts, Aikido differs its strongly marked defensive character, deep philosophy, in basis of which lies principle of general harmony though mastering Ki energy, absence of competitions and system of training acceptable to people of any age, sex and physical possibilities.

From the practical point of view, Aikido represents synthesis of many traditional Japanese martial arts and complete effective self-defense system both against armed and unarmed attacking.

In actual fact there is something greater lies in it. Aikido is the Art of Coordination, the way of strengthening body and spirit, concentration of physical energy, a way of finding harmony.

Aikido consists of three hieroglyphs:

(Ai) - means love, harmony;

(Ki) - means internal, spiritual energy;

(Do) - means way.

The information to news
  • Views: 5314
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007


Category: Aikido

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question: What is Aikido?
Answer: more to learn about Aikido, it is necessary for them to be engaged. If it is brief, Aikido it is system of self-defense using movement of attack of the opponent. At the most initial level very effective means of clearing of every possible captures and the control of the opponent. At higher level - use of attack of an attack for carrying out of this or that reception. As a rule numerous painful influences on joints of the person are used.

Question: you teach What style?
Answer: Aikikai

Question: training How many lasts?
Answer: As such terms of training are not present. At different people it turns out on miscellaneous. It is necessary to try.

Question: whether the set of times in a year Is carried out, or there are additional sets?
(When it is possible to come to be engaged?)
Answer: To begin trainings it is possible at any moment. Come, ask the sanction and be engaged.

Question: whether all the days long necessarily to visit?
Answer: It is desirable, but not necessary. You can go on the single trainings two or three times a week.

Question: whether there Is a group for beginning?
Answer: Separate groups for beginners are not present. As a rule for beginners and "advanced" the technics is divided...

Question: As far as the pupil should be physically prepared?
Answer: Physical development not so is important. The main thing that at you was not medical contra-indications.

Question: whether Pass any tests before acceptance on training?
Answer: Is not present

Question: whether there Are age restrictions?
Answer: Age restrictions are not present. There are children's groups and groups for adults...

Question: What it is necessary to have at itself for employment?
Answer: For employment it is necessary to have a white kimono (for a judo - it more strong) and slippers (for pass from a locker room up to a hall)
If the kimono is not present, the training suit (body stockings and a T-short) initially will approach.

Question: What footwear is more preferable?
Answer: Employment are carried out barefoot.

Question: I absolutely know nothing and I am afraid to look silly on a background of other engaged. How to be?
Answer: it is not necessary to be afraid of It. All of us people... In a hall always a kind atmosphere and everyone try to help each other.

Question: As training is carried spent?
Answer: Employment last one and a half hour from which the first half an hour borrow specific warm-up and base exercises, and stayed time - working off of technics.

Question: I cannot get now bokken/jo (sword / stick) for employment with the weapon. How to be?
Answer: At the beginning it is possible to do without replacement of the weapon:
- Instead of jo/bokena (sword) it is possible to use also a shank from a mop sawn off up to are long in 101 see.
Should notice that such replacement of the weapon TIME and rather dangerous.
Wood used for shanks fragile and frequently gives split. It is fraught with that you can get a splinter into to yourselves a hand.
It is desirable to get as soon as possible the "normal" weapon for employment.

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  • Views: 5793
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007


Category: Aikido


The behavior of pupils in Dojo depends on deep respect for a place, for people which are there, and to the purposes for which dojo exists. In general, it is possible to tell, that their behavior should meet the norms of propriety accepted in a civilized society.

Besides it, the pupil should follow the certain precise rules of behavior as soon as he steps on tatami, it is the ceremony that came from Japan and accepted in major Japanese martial arts practiced nowadays.



For example when the pupil steps on tatami, he should lightly bow aside kamiza. This bow is carried out according to the rules established for a greeting (ritsurei).

It is carried out in a normal, natural pose (shidzen hontai). The trunk is inclined forward approximately on 30 degrees, and tips of fingers touch a forward part of hips above knee. It is usually considered wrong to be declined too low - so that thus the person who is taking place before the pupil, saw his nape.

After the bow the pupil should wait the instructor and spend this time with advantage for itself, carrying out all physical or preparatory exercises if those are not included directly in the training program. The pupil can also sit down, relax and carry out special exercises for development of Internal Forces.

When the training begins, the pupil should take place corresponding to his category among other pupils and sit down in seiza position.



The sitting position calls seiza. To take that position, it is necessary to set aside the left leg on a half-step back and bent it, put a knee to tatami, keeping back and a neck straight. Then the right leg, which puts to left in the same way, so that the big fingers of both legs crisscross or touches each other. The weight of a body should be basically concentrated on heels.

Hands lies upon hips palms downwards - fingers either slightly turned inside, or made in an incomplete fist. The distance between knees should be so that two fists can be put.

Variants of this pose differ from each other only by legs position. It is allowed not crisscross fingers or crisscross legs before itself in a pose of "tailor" (agura). Thus it is necessary to follow the rule - back should remain straight.

To rise from seiza - it is necessary to perform all in reverse

The pupil lifts hips from heels, bending fingers of legs and rests their tips against tatami (sumasaki). The right knee lifts from tatami first, and the right foot puts near the left knee. Then the left knee lifts from tatami, and the left leg puts near right. All movements should be carried out quickly and smoothly.

The instructor usually sits before the group, facing kamiza, as well as pupils. He gives a signal - usually by a clap. On this signal all group should perform ceremonial bow from sitting position.






Ceremonial bow in dzarei style begins with a starting position - seiza. Palms are put before the person on tatami on distance approximately 15 sm. from knees, fingers of hands are turned inside. The trunk is bend forward (as in ritsurei) at an angle of approximately 30 degrees, elbows are slightly parted. It is not necessary to bend a head strongly forward - it is important to hold it on one line with trunk. Buttocks should not lift from heel.

After the instructor faces the pupils, he exchanges dzarei with them. Then the instructor usually stands up and begins warm-up, or if the warm-up was already carried out under the higher category pupils, he tarts the technique demonstration, used in Aikido.

According to etiquette pupils should carry out ritsurei and dzarei much lower and straighten up after the bow later than the instructor.

Usually the instructor shows Aikido techniques applied to a certain kind of attack, during it pupils sit in seiza (in suvatte position). By the instructor signal, pupils bow to him, rise, choose to the partner (thus both carry out ritsurei) and begin pair learning of the technique. When the instructor claps, pupils sit down again.

At the end of the training/lesson the instructor claps in hands and sits in seiza, facing kamiza. He and his pupils make dzarei bow, then the instructor bows to pupils and they answer it. Pupils thank the instructor with bow, and on it the training ends.

Kohai's rei

Kohai's rei

Kohai end sensei's rei


The information to news
  • Views: 5349
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007


Category: Aikido


The training uniform

As you can see from illustrations, the Aikido training uniform does not differ from the uniform practiced in other martial arts, like judo and karate. The general uniform for all pupils consists of a jacket and trousers with a corresponding belt (white, black or colored - depends on the category of the pupil and traditions of the concrete dojo.

Keikogi Keikogi Keikogi Keikogi

Keikogi Keikogi Keikogi

KeikogiKeikogi Keikogi

A way of setting a belt is precisely the same as in other martial arts, but it is specially carried low on hips to help concentrate on hara (the center; a point seika-no-itten). That is very important in Aikido.

Aikidokas, who has received the category Dan (a black belt) carry a skirt-trousers with cut, called hakama - usually black color. Samurais earlier carried this object of clothes. It is also used in martial arts like kendo and kyudo. Hakama also carried low on hips, that strengthens the above mentioned feeling of concentration and gives the certain plastic art beauty to Aikido techniques at their performance.

A way of setting a belt

One of ways of setting a belt in Aikido is offered to your attention.

Pay attention that laps of Keikogi (kogi, gi, kimono) are closing from left to right for both sexes.

belt in Aikido
belt in Aikido
belt in Aikido
belt in Aikido
belt in Aikido
belt in Aikido
belt in Aikido
belt in Aikido
belt in Aikido
belt in Aikido

The Moscow club of the Aikido of "Senkai" invites you to Aikido employment in general or in litle Aikido groups. Aikido class for children and adults. Aikido trainings spend skilled the aikidoinstructors.