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  • Views: 5316
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007


Category: Aikido


Rules of behaviour in dojo

  1. Dojo (a hall for training) it is intended not for self-affirmation, but to develop mind, body and spirit.
  2. The duty of everyone is to behave so that the atmosphere of mutual respect reigned in dojo.
  3. Cleaning a hall - is necessary element of training. Everyone is responsible for it
  4. Enter dojo, make rei (bow) to shomen (front side of a hall). It is a tribute to the place where You comprehend the Way.
  5. Before the beginning of the training it is necessary to take off jewelery (rings, watches, chains, crosses, etc.), not wound yourself and others
  6. Strictly obey rules of personal hygiene: watch the cleanliness of a body and condition of nails, which should be shortly cut.
  7. Respect necessary things for training and equipment. Keikogi (the kimono, is a suit for training) - consists of white color jacket, trousers and a belt. It should always be pure and tidy. Never touch the weapon of the partner without the permission. Never borrow somebody's a kimono or the weapon.
  8. Laps of a jacket closes from left to right (irrespective of sex), the knot of a belt is made so that its ends are identical length. This is the last action before the entering/stepping on tatami in dojo.
  9. Having stepped on tatami, first of all make rei to shomen (the right side of a hall), and then sensei (teacher) or, during his absence, senpai (the instructor conducting the training) and to everyone, in a hall.
  10. Before the beginning of training it is recommended to make warm-up independently. Aikido does not allow idleness and conversations; it is supposed to sit in a hall in seiza or agura (a pose of the tailor - crossed legs) position.
  11. Training begins with everyone sitting down in line facing shomen and welcoming him with bow dzarei. Then sensei (senpai) turns and there is a mutual greeting with words Onegaisimas (literally: " I am in your hands ", that confirms the desire to train gently and safely).
  12. Delay on training should be excluded. However, if it happened, it is better to wait for the end of a greeting ceremony, attract sensei attention (by raising a hand) and having received the permition join the group.
  13. During technique demonstration all attention should be concentrated on sensei actions and explanations, then follows the general rei and everyone chooses to himself the new partner.
  14. There should be a full silence in a hall. Talks are forbidden, it distracts.
  15. It is necessary to bow to the partner before and after technique performance;
  16. Tatami - is not a place for force competition. Be attentive. Remember about the safety of the partner and your own. During technique performance it is necessary to secure the partner, providing him maximal safety when falling.
  17. Work with many partners, try to impart your knowledge's to beginners. Remember, that the purpose of training is not struggle and not demonstration of force. It's and learning of technique and comprehension of Aikido technique with partner.
  18. Sensei directions - only a small part of your training. Rising of the level of your skill appreciably depends on your diligence and zeal. If sensei (senpai) trains you and your partner individually, shows you how to performance of the technique or makes remarks, be maximum attentive and do not forget to thank him with rei bow.
  19. If sensei works with your partner, it is better to sit on tatami in seiza position
  20. Any arguments/discussions and disputes are inadmissible.
  21. It is inadmissible to come in intoxication condition to training.
  22. Do not leave tatami without absolute necessity. Having received sensei permition on that, do not forget to make rei at the edge when leaving and coming back on tatami . Move on tatami perimeter, slightly extending a hand front, it will warn others about your movement direction and will allow to avoid collisions. If it is necessary for you to correct Keikogi, do it at edge of tatami, facing a wall (except for shomen).
  23. Training comes to the end with similar ceremony as in the beginning, only with words of gratitude Domo arigato godzaimasta. After the end of training it is authorized to move freely on tatami and to talk. Leaving tatami, it is necessary to make a farewell rei.
The information to news
  • Views: 5698
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007

The order of carrying out of training.

Category: Aikido

The order of carrying out of training.

A lot of people are interested in order of carrying out of Aikido trainings.
The order of trainings and the selection of preparatory exercises can differ essentially in different Aikido clubs.
Below, I shall give an example of training order (without weapon) in basic group.
Preparatory exercises and elements are others when you work with weapons (boken, jo).

The training lasts one and a half hour.
- the first half an hour - preparatory exercises,
- the basic part - technique learning,
- and in summary - a small body exercises.

There is a short period of time before the beginning of the training during which pupils make independent warming-up of:
- legs (foots, rotation in knee area)
- body (rotations, inclinations and bending)
- hands (shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers)

Structure of preparatory exercises

Movement on knees: (obligatory exercises)
- Mae sikko (forward)
- Ushiro sikko (back)
- Mae sikko - irimi tenkan (movement forward with circular rotation)
- Mae sikko - tenkan (movement forward with circular rotation)

The safe-technique : (obligatory exercises)
- Mae ukemi; the forward safe-technique (variants Mae ukemi: hands on tops of a kimono, a hand on a belt, hands behind a back)
- Ushiro ukemi; the back safe-technique (variants Ushiro ukemi: with change of the position, with hands on kimono)
- Mae - ushiro ukemi
- Yoko ukemi - the lateral safe-technique (Mae ukemi with change of the position)
- the "Wave" safe-technique
- the "rigid" safe-technique
- the "open" safe-technique
- Mae ukemi over the partner (over one, two, three …persons. Not obligatory)
- Mae ukemi in "ring" (not obligatory)

Gymnastic exercises: (not obligatory)
- the "Wheel"
- walking on hands
- walking on the "bridge"
- "fliag".

Base exercises: (obligatory)
- fune-kogi-undo with furi-tama
- tenkan (from migi- and hidari-hanmi)
- irimi-tenkan
- irimi-ho (a direct input)
- kokju-ho (happo-undo)

After that begins the working with "top" safe-technique in pairs:
- the "rigid" safe-technique ("soft" safe-technique)
- on kote-gaeshi
- on shiho-nage
- on irimi

Further, there is a working out of tenkan and tenkai movements from holds. On that warming-up and preparatory exercises finish.
On it warm-up and preparatory exercises come to an end.

The Basic part

The basic part consists of learning Aikido techniques in pairs.
After the demonstration and explanation of features of performing of the given technique (and also possible mistakes), pupils make pairs and perform the shown technique.

The Final part

(not obligatory)

The final part of training includes the following physical exercises:

Strengthening press from positions:
- laying on a back, legs are bent - 10 times
- laying on a back, legs are straightened - 10 times
- "dominoes" - press in pair (hook legs) - up to 100 times

Training finishes on it.

The note:
As a rule all trainings are constructed under this scheme, but sometimes there are exceptions.

The information to news
  • Views: 4469
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007

News of culture

Category: Main » News of culture

News of culture
The information to news
  • Views: 5105
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007

News in world Aikido

Category: Main » News in world Aikido

News in world Aikido
The information to news
  • Views: 5905
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007

About club

Category: About club

About club

Moscow Aikido Club "Senkai" was founded in February 2004.

Our Club unites people actively indulged in Aikido, and also who are interested in various spheres of Japanese culture.

Moscow Aikido Club "Senkai" is a member of Russian Aikido Federation and supports professional and amateur interests of people in traditional Aikido Aikikai trainings.

Club members annually take part in testimonial-training seminars held by Minoru Kanetsuka-sensai and other masters of Aikido.

    Aikido style practiced in Club - Aikikai.

    The training program consists of:

  • - traditional and sports Aikido;
  • - work with Jo;
  • - work with Boken;
  • - work with Tanto.

The president of club Aikido 'Senkai' and the senior instructor is Prokhorenya Vadim, 3-nd Dan

The information to news
  • Views: 5860
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007

Membership in Club

Category: About club

Membership in Club

Membership in Moscow Aikido Club "Senkai" is carried out on a voluntary basis. Any person training with one of the Club instructors can become a member of the Club.

Before joining the Club, it is necessary for you to pass interview with the instructor of the group, which you want to attend and hand over the health certificate about the absence of contra-indications for training Aikido.

You have one month for making a decision to join Aikido Club "Senkai". During that period you have an opportunity finally to decide - whether you will train in this group, do you like Aikido, or you decide to train in the other place.

    In case of the positive decision it is necessary:

  • - to fill in the questionnaire in legible handwriting given by the instructor of the group;
  • - to bring two black-white photos 3x4
  • - to pay an entrance fee - 400 rub. (for adult) and 300 rub. (for child)

This payment is intended for official registration of the documents. It can be handled cash to the instructor or transferred to the account of the Moscow Aikido Club "Senkai". This sum includes the annual Club membership fee for the current year.

The final decision on acceptance of the new member of the Club takes the Presidium of the Club.

At registration of membership you receive the established sample member certificate of the Moscow Aikido Club "Senkai", which you keep.

For repeated official registration member certificate (lost or damaged) you pay an entrance fee.

Besides an entrance fee, Members of the Club make an annual payment - 10 o.a. and monthly payments (the sum depends on location of the hall and contingent (adults or children).

It is advisable to do the next year annual membership payment not later than November current year.

Monthly payment should be made regularly in the beginning of every month, without the reminder of the instructor.

Members of Moscow Aikido Club "Senkai" undertake to carry out rules of behaviour in dojo, and also have rights and duties of Aikido Club member.

Membership in Russian Aikido Federation

Membership in Moscow Aikido Club 'Senkai" means itself as well a membership in Russian Aikido Federation, where our club is a member. It is preferable, but not necessary.

If you join RAF:

  • you will have the opportunity to take part in the international seminars under preferential subscriptions;
  • you can get certification on kyu and dan degree, which are officially registered World Center Aikido (Aikikai Hombu dojo, Tokio);
  • and also to use all services, offered by RAF.
      For joining RAF it is necessary:
    • to fill in the questionnaire of the established sample;
    • to bring two photos 3x4
    • to pay an entrance fee - $20.

    This payment is intended for official registration of the documents. This sum includes the annual FAR membership fee for the current year.

    The annual FAR membership payment is $10 and it is advisable, as in Moscow Aikido Club "Senkai", to do the next year payment not later than November current year.

  • The Moscow club of the Aikido of "Senkai" invites you to Aikido employment in general or in litle Aikido groups. Aikido class for children and adults. Aikido trainings spend skilled the aikidoinstructors.