» » The order of carrying out of training.
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  • Views: 5697
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007

The order of carrying out of training.

Category: Aikido

The order of carrying out of training.

A lot of people are interested in order of carrying out of Aikido trainings.
The order of trainings and the selection of preparatory exercises can differ essentially in different Aikido clubs.
Below, I shall give an example of training order (without weapon) in basic group.
Preparatory exercises and elements are others when you work with weapons (boken, jo).

The training lasts one and a half hour.
- the first half an hour - preparatory exercises,
- the basic part - technique learning,
- and in summary - a small body exercises.

There is a short period of time before the beginning of the training during which pupils make independent warming-up of:
- legs (foots, rotation in knee area)
- body (rotations, inclinations and bending)
- hands (shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers)

Structure of preparatory exercises

Movement on knees: (obligatory exercises)
- Mae sikko (forward)
- Ushiro sikko (back)
- Mae sikko - irimi tenkan (movement forward with circular rotation)
- Mae sikko - tenkan (movement forward with circular rotation)

The safe-technique : (obligatory exercises)
- Mae ukemi; the forward safe-technique (variants Mae ukemi: hands on tops of a kimono, a hand on a belt, hands behind a back)
- Ushiro ukemi; the back safe-technique (variants Ushiro ukemi: with change of the position, with hands on kimono)
- Mae - ushiro ukemi
- Yoko ukemi - the lateral safe-technique (Mae ukemi with change of the position)
- the "Wave" safe-technique
- the "rigid" safe-technique
- the "open" safe-technique
- Mae ukemi over the partner (over one, two, three …persons. Not obligatory)
- Mae ukemi in "ring" (not obligatory)

Gymnastic exercises: (not obligatory)
- the "Wheel"
- walking on hands
- walking on the "bridge"
- "fliag".

Base exercises: (obligatory)
- fune-kogi-undo with furi-tama
- tenkan (from migi- and hidari-hanmi)
- irimi-tenkan
- irimi-ho (a direct input)
- kokju-ho (happo-undo)

After that begins the working with "top" safe-technique in pairs:
- the "rigid" safe-technique ("soft" safe-technique)
- on kote-gaeshi
- on shiho-nage
- on irimi

Further, there is a working out of tenkan and tenkai movements from holds. On that warming-up and preparatory exercises finish.
On it warm-up and preparatory exercises come to an end.

The Basic part

The basic part consists of learning Aikido techniques in pairs.
After the demonstration and explanation of features of performing of the given technique (and also possible mistakes), pupils make pairs and perform the shown technique.

The Final part

(not obligatory)

The final part of training includes the following physical exercises:

Strengthening press from positions:
- laying on a back, legs are bent - 10 times
- laying on a back, legs are straightened - 10 times
- "dominoes" - press in pair (hook legs) - up to 100 times

Training finishes on it.

The note:
As a rule all trainings are constructed under this scheme, but sometimes there are exceptions.
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