» » » Exercises in Aikido. Special warm-up of wrists. On 'Nikyo'
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  • Views: 6044
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 9 мая 2007
9 мая 2007

Exercises in Aikido. Special warm-up of wrists. On 'Nikyo'

Category: Kihon » Undo

Exercises in Aikido

Special warm-up of wrists

On "Ikkyo" On "Nikyo" On "Sankyo" On "Kote gaeshi" "from itself"

On "Nikyo"

The technics is shown by Prokhorenya Vadim

A side view Aikido The front view
on Nikyo

1. I.P. leg on width of shoulders.
The left hand is extended by fingers forward (at a level of a thorax) so that the big finger of a hand has been directed downwards.

on Nikyo
on Nikyo

2. The right hand makes capture of a wrist of the left hand so that four fingers of the right hand clasped an edge of a palm of the left hand from below, thus the big finger of the right hand makes capture of the left hand from above.

on Nikyo
on Nikyo

3. The hand seized thus conduct circular movement to the person (from top to down) and lower perpendicularly to a floor to a solar plexus (up to painful sensations).

on Nikyo
on Nikyo

4. Watch that the hand moved an edge of a palm perpendicularly to a floor and it is strict on your central line of a body.

on Nikyo
on Nikyo

5. The following movement release an edge of the seized hand from itself a little and cycle a loop movements again.

Exercise is carried out on 10-ou time on each hand or alternately on 4-?a time.

on Nikyo


(nikyo2.avi 103Kb)

(nikyo1.avi 269Kb)

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