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  • Views: 5338
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 8 мая 2007
8 мая 2007


Category: Aikido

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question: What is Aikido?
Answer: more to learn about Aikido, it is necessary for them to be engaged. If it is brief, Aikido it is system of self-defense using movement of attack of the opponent. At the most initial level very effective means of clearing of every possible captures and the control of the opponent. At higher level - use of attack of an attack for carrying out of this or that reception. As a rule numerous painful influences on joints of the person are used.

Question: you teach What style?
Answer: Aikikai

Question: training How many lasts?
Answer: As such terms of training are not present. At different people it turns out on miscellaneous. It is necessary to try.

Question: whether the set of times in a year Is carried out, or there are additional sets?
(When it is possible to come to be engaged?)
Answer: To begin trainings it is possible at any moment. Come, ask the sanction and be engaged.

Question: whether all the days long necessarily to visit?
Answer: It is desirable, but not necessary. You can go on the single trainings two or three times a week.

Question: whether there Is a group for beginning?
Answer: Separate groups for beginners are not present. As a rule for beginners and "advanced" the technics is divided...

Question: As far as the pupil should be physically prepared?
Answer: Physical development not so is important. The main thing that at you was not medical contra-indications.

Question: whether Pass any tests before acceptance on training?
Answer: Is not present

Question: whether there Are age restrictions?
Answer: Age restrictions are not present. There are children's groups and groups for adults...

Question: What it is necessary to have at itself for employment?
Answer: For employment it is necessary to have a white kimono (for a judo - it more strong) and slippers (for pass from a locker room up to a hall)
If the kimono is not present, the training suit (body stockings and a T-short) initially will approach.

Question: What footwear is more preferable?
Answer: Employment are carried out barefoot.

Question: I absolutely know nothing and I am afraid to look silly on a background of other engaged. How to be?
Answer: it is not necessary to be afraid of It. All of us people... In a hall always a kind atmosphere and everyone try to help each other.

Question: As training is carried spent?
Answer: Employment last one and a half hour from which the first half an hour borrow specific warm-up and base exercises, and stayed time - working off of technics.

Question: I cannot get now bokken/jo (sword / stick) for employment with the weapon. How to be?
Answer: At the beginning it is possible to do without replacement of the weapon:
- Instead of jo/bokena (sword) it is possible to use also a shank from a mop sawn off up to are long in 101 see.
Should notice that such replacement of the weapon TIME and rather dangerous.
Wood used for shanks fragile and frequently gives split. It is fraught with that you can get a splinter into to yourselves a hand.
It is desirable to get as soon as possible the "normal" weapon for employment.
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The Moscow club of the Aikido of "Senkai" invites you to Aikido employment in general or in litle Aikido groups. Aikido class for children and adults. Aikido trainings spend skilled the aikidoinstructors.