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  • Views: 6129
  • Author: Vadim
  • Date: 9 мая 2007
9 мая 2007

The basic movement. Tenkan.

Category: Kihon » Sabaki » Movement in Tachi vaza

The basic movement


The technics is shown by Prokhorenya Vadim

The front view A side view
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 1.

Starting position.

Instants (or hidari) kamae. The "Forward" leg is perpendicular to a floor, a "back" leg a straight line. The centre of gravity is located closer to a forward leg.

Hands are average position (a "forward" hand at a level of a solar plexus, "back" - at a level of a belt).

Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 2.

With a forward leg to begin small step forward and aside (for the size stops).

The "Forward" hand starts to fall to this moment on a level of a belt.

Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 3.

Having made small step aside, the "forward" hand should be at a level of a belt...

Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 4.

... The brush of a "forward" hand turns in a wrist so that the palm looked upwards, and fingers - back (aside backs).

The wrist should be at a level of a belt.

Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 5.

5 - 10 - from this position turn of the case on small pillows of fingers of a "forward" leg aside backs is made.

It is necessary to watch that at execution tenkana your hands all time were on the center of your case and did not strain at all, and the "forward" leg was not straightened in a knee.

Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 6.

Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 7.

Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 8. Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 9. Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 10.

Having made tenkan, you should be in the opposite rack under a corner 30 - 45degree. Concerning initial position. (in some variants tenkan , it is possible to do a turn on 180degree.)

Your hands are on the center of your case and to palms are directed upwards.

Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 11.

With 11 on 18 movement return in Starting position is made.

Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 12.

During return, hands are at a level of a belt.

During time tenkan and return it is necessary to watch the center (a point seika-no-itten ), and also behind that you did not transfer the centre of gravity on a "back" leg.

Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 13. Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 14. Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 15. Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 16. Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 17. Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.
Lessons Aikido. Tenkan. 18. Lessons Aikido. Tenkan.


(tenkan1.avi 209Kb)

(tenkan2.avi 216Kb)

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