The basic movement
Okuri Ashi
The technics is shown by Prokhorenya Vadim
1. Starting position. Instants (or hidari) kamae. The "Forward" leg is perpendicular to a floor, a "back" leg a straight line. The centre of gravity is located closer to a forward leg. Hands are average position (a "forward" hand at a level of a solar plexus, "back" - at a level of a belt). |
2. Movement begins with a "back" leg which is brought to heel a "forward" leg... |
3. The centre of gravity is transferred to " a back leg "... | 4.
... That allows to make movement of a "forward" leg forward... |
During movement to watch the center (seika-no-itten) and position of hands. |
6. Further (with 5-th on 10 movement) movement it is carried out just as with 1-st on 5 movement... |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
Video (okuri.avi 192Kb) |