So has passed the first seminar in Moscow under the direction of Hiroshi Ikeda sensei.
Ikeda sensei has arrived to Moscow the first time and there were in Russia 10 days.
In the very first day, Moscow has met sensei and his son Yosei a heavy smog from the fires which have surrounded Moscow and a heat.
As a result we have left to St.-Petersburg.
After returning to Moscow the smog already has vanished, but the heat remained.
Anyway the seminar would be spent necessarily as at a hall there was central air and clearings so the anxiety of children from other cities as I and promised, was vain.
In Moscow we accompanied sensei on our sights, acquainted it with Russian cuisine from which it remained in delight.
At a seminar, unfortunately, were present not all aikidokas, registered on a seminar.
Nevertheless the seminar has passed very successfully: all were very happy.
By words sensei, very much it was pleasant to it in Russia: both the country, and meal and benevolent people and aikidokas on tatami which thirsted to gather the new.
In the future it will try to find time from the very loaded schedule again to visit Moscow... For it we will hope.
Hiroshi Ikeda sensei in Sp-Peterburg
Hiroshi Ikeda sensei in Moscow
Photos from the Aikido seminar in Moscow.
Hiroshi Ikeda sensei showed very interesting moments on internal work at execution of technics of the Aikido, which we tried to repeat.
Thus it showed work a floor to influence on several attacking simultaneously, showing to that that at a due operating time the quantity attacking is completely not important.
The exercises, allowing to develop personal control over the center have been thus given.
Upon termination of a seminar сэнсэй it was photographed with children for memory.
Photos of Ikeda Sensei with members of the clubs registered at a seminar Photos are presented in the big size. The size of a photo - 2352x1568, weigh under 800Кб - be attentive!